Introducing Mr. Chung
He is Hong Konger, British and Canadian by passport and Costa Rican by heart! After writing here for such a long time, and considering that today they celebrate valentine's day here in HK, I could no longer leave out one of the main characters of my Hong Kong life: I introduce you to my boyfriend, Martin! Hola! - Did I mention that he is also a wannabe Argentinian It seems very bizarre that on the other side of the world I would find someone so similar to me: passionate in travelling and seeing new cultures, and that just like me had a brief but life changing experience in Latin America! Yup, I found the perfect "latin" flavor on a Chinese guy! With both of us speaking Spanish, enjoying the rhythms of salsa and the beats of reggaeton, sparks were flying in no time! :p And for the past 2 years I've had my personal Cantonese and Chinese translator, hahaha! And I also had the chance to see Hong Kong in a completely different p...